Page 3 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
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Inside this issue...
        Inside this issue...
        Inside this issue...
        Inside this issue...
        Inside this issue...
        4.                                           Hospital Br
        4. Our Friends at University Hospitals  Our Friends at  Our Friends at University Hospitals
                                                     Hospital Br
                                                     Hospital Br
                                                     Hospital Br
                                                     Hospital Br
                                                     Hospital Broadcastingoadcastingoadcastingoadcastingoadcastingoadcasting
        Birmingham Charity
        Birmingham Charity
        Birmingham Charity                            Association AwardsAssociation AwardsAssociation Awards
                                                      Station of the Year
                                                      Station of the Year
        5.                                            Station of the Year
        5. Foreword by our Vice ChairForeword by our Vice Chair
                                                          2019 Gold
        & Technical Controller& Technical Controller& Technical Controller  2019 Gold
                                                          2020 Silver
                                                          2020 Silver
                                                          2023 Gold
        9.                                                2023 Gold
        9. Life Renewed: Amy’s Journey with Life Renewed: Amy’s Journey with
                                                          2024 Gold
        Immunoglobulin                                    2024 Gold
        – A T                                          Presenter Awards
        – A Tale of Triumph and ale of Triumph and ale of Triumph and ale of Triumph and ale of Triumph and
        – A T
        – A T
        – A T
                                                       Presenter Awards
        T T
                                                     2017 Best Newcomer
                                                     2017 Best Newcomer
                                                     2017 Best Newcomer
                                                     Emma Boyell (Silver)yell (Silver)
                                                     Emma Bo
        12.                                          Emma Boyell (Silver)
        12. Cheers to Colin’s 40 YearsCheers to Colin’s 40 Years
                                                   2018 John Whitney Award
                                                   2018 John Whitney Award
        18.                                        2018 John Whitney Award
        18. News and New People at News and New People at
                                                  - Services to Hospital Radio
                                                  - Servic
        BHBN                                      - Services to Hospital Radioes to Hospital Radio
                                                         David Horton
                                                         David Horton
        19. Two Become One: Radio SWB Two Become One: Radio SWB
                                                      2019 Best Female:
                                                      2019 Best Female:
        Joins BHBNradio to illuminate JoinsJoins BHBNradio to illuminate   2019 Best Female:
                                                     Philippa Clarkin (
                                                     Philippa Clarkin (Gold)Gold)
        Sandwell & West BirminghamSandwell & West BirminghamSandwell & West Birmingham  Philippa Clarkin (Gold)
                                                      2020 Best Female:
                                                      2020 Best Female:
        20 - 21.
        20 - 21.                                      2020 Best Female:
        20 - 21. BHBNradio’s Programme BHBNradio’s Programme
                                                    Philippa Clarkin (Silv
                                                    Philippa Clarkin (Silver)
        Schedule                                    Philippa Clarkin (Silver)er)
        Schedule, What’s On & When, What’s On & When, What’s On & When
                                                      2022 Best Female:
                                                      2022 Best Female:
        22 - 23                                       2022 Best Female:
        22 - 23
        22 - 23. Celebrating BHBNradio’s . Celebrating BHBNradio’s
                                                     Adelle Davies (Silver)
        Station of the Year GOLD Award at the Station of the Year Station of the Year GOLD Award at the   Adelle Davies (Silver)delle Davies (Silver)
        HBA Annual Conference.
        HBA Annual Conference.
                                                       2023 Best Male:
                                                       2023 Best Male:
                                                      Paul Stanley (Gold)
        29.                                           Paul Stanley (Gold)aul Stanley (Gold)
        29. Paul Stanley’s Pub Quiz, Every  Paul Stanley’s Pub Quiz, Every
        Sunday from 20:00y from 20:00y from 20:00y from 20:00
                                                     Best Speech Package:
                                                     Best Speech Package:
                                                 2019 Philippa Clarkin (Bronze)
        31.                                      2019 Philippa Clarkin (Bronze)
        31. Volunteer & Join the Award- Volunteer & Join the Award-
                                                  2020 Philippa Clarkin (Gold)
        Winning BHBN Radioinning BHBN Radio
        W                                         2020 Philippa Clarkin (Gold)
                             Scan the QR Code with your mobile phone
                                 camera to TUNE IN LIVE to BHBNradio
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