Page 5 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
P. 5


        fr fr
        from our Vice Chairom our Vice Chairom our Vice Chair
        & Technical Controller

                  elcome to this latest edition of
                  BHBN Radio’s magazine. Well,
        Wit has been quite a year.
        In the last edition we talked about the
        rainwater ingress in our studios that
        had taken us off air. We resumed live
        broadcasting on Easter Monday in April
        after a fi ve-month absence however, the
        renovations were fi nally completed during the
        summer. The highlight of our 70th year was
        bringing a brace of awards away from the
        Hospital Broadcast Association Conference
        2023 in Bolton. BHBN Radio won Station of
        the Year for the second time in four years and
        our Paul Stanley received the GOLD award
        for Best Male Presenter of the Year. It was a
        boost for us after a disappointing year.
        We fi nished our year of our 70th Anniversary  “ “ “
        celebrations during the August Bank Holiday
                                                 I am pleased to report
        with 40 hours of live broadcasting, featuring   I am pleased to report
                                                 I am pleased to report
        archive material from our long history. I am
                                                 that we can fi nally  nally  nally
                                                 that we can fi
        pleased to report that we can fi nally now visit   that we can fi
                                                 now visit the wards
        the wards of our eight hospitals collecting   now visit the wards
                                                 now visit the wards
        requests and cheering up the Patients that
                                                 of our eight hospitals
                                                 of our eight hospitals
        has not been permitted since the Covid 19   of our eight hospitals
        pandemic. This now means we can take on   collecting requests
                                                 collecting requests
                                                 collecting requests
        more Volunteers, you can meet the new
                                                 and cheering up the
                                                 and cheering up the
                                                 and cheering up the
        recruits Freddie, Charlotte & Suzie on page   and cheering up the
                                                 Patients that has
                                                 Patients that has
                                                 not been permitted
        I hope you enjoy this edition of our     not been permitted
        magazine with lots of quizzes, puzzles, and   since the Covid 19
                                                 since the Covid 19
        features where you can read about our new
        Presenters. Also don’t forget you don’t have   pandemic.”
        to be in hospital to hear the award winning
        BHBN Radio, just download our radio app
                                                 David Horton
        from the App stores or use the QR code that   David Horton
                                                 Vice Chairman &
        appears in this magazine.                Vice Chairman &
                                                 Technical Controller
                                                 Technical Controller
        Stay Safe,                               BHBNradio
        Dave H  t
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