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University Hospitals

        Birmingham Charity

                      Making a Positive Difference

                          at Your Local Hospitals

        University Hospitals Birmingham Charity cares for your hospitals across
        Birmingham and Solihull. Some of the happiest and saddest times of our lives
        are spent in hospitals, and with your help, University Hospital Birmingham
        Charity can make a real difference to patients, their families and staff.

        With your support, the charity raises vital funds to help University Hospital
        Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, by providing extras over and above what
        the NHS can provide as standard, to make the hospital experience the best
        it can be for all who use it. For more information about making a donation
        or taking part in a fundraising challenge for the charity - please contact the
        Fundraising Team on the details below:

                Call: 0121 371 4852
             Get in touch  Get in touch  Visit:  Thank You

                Our Social Media Pages:
                Facebook -
                                                                     for Your
                Twitter - @UHBCharity
                Instagram - UHB Charity

                 University Hospitals Birmingham Charity
                        Charity Number: 1165716
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