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New to BHBN
                              New to BHBN
                              New to BHBN
                              New to BHBN
                              New to BHBN

                                            about it. I found BHBN and thought it
                                            would be amazing to join.

                                            What would your 3 desert island discs
                                            be? If the discs are albums: Rumours
                                            (Super Deluxe) by Fleetwood Mac, The
                                            Balcony by Catfi sh and the Bottlemen
                                            Gold by ABBA. If the discs are Song:
                                            Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, More than
                                            a woman by the Bee Gees,
                                            Kathleen by Catfi sh and the Bottlemen

                                            What’s your weakness?
                                            I’m extremely clumsy and forgetful.
        Name: Ffi on Brighton
        Age: 22                             I’m constantly leaving a trail of my
                                            belongings behind me like Hansel
        Occupation: I just from the University
        of Liverpool last June. I currently   and Gretel.
        work as an admin assistant, as I’m   What’s the best thing about BHBN?
        saving to go backpacking and then   I love the people. Both the listeners and
        aiming to work towards my NQJ to    everyone behind the scenes and mi-
        become a qualifi ed journalist       crophones are so welcoming. It’s great
                                            to be part of something that aims to
        How did I hear about BHBN? I love   make people happy.
        radio and would love to have my
        own show someday. I used to run a   Your best moment at BHBN?
        weekly run called the Lunch Bunch   I’ve only done two shows, but it’s
        at Uni, it was my favourite thing to   been amazing each time to fi nd my
        do. After I graduated, I wanted to   rhythm and be able to play music
        get back into the game and thought   that makes them feel special and
        hospital radio was a great way to go   part of the show.

                      Name: Sharon          in the mornings. Between work (that I
                      Hetherington          love), grandchildren (who I adore) and
                                            other activities life gets pretty busy,
                      Age: 60
                                            but I love it!
                      Occupation:  P.A to
                      Ministers             What’s the best thing about BHBN?
                      Married: to Ronan, with   It’s a pleasure being a part of a great
                      one adult daughter and   team and I love that BHBN is all about
                      2 grandchildren.      the patients who I enjoy meeting each
                                            week. Hearing their stories behind their
        Daily routine: I start the day quietly,   song choices makes them the stars of
        with a nice cup  of columbian coffee   the Requests show!”

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