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P. 15

         Benefi ts of getting a ts of getting a ts of getting a ts of getting a ts of getting a ts of getting a
         Dementia Diagnosis
         Dementia Diagnosis
         Dementia Diagnosis
         Dementia Diagnosis
             00,000 people are living
             with dementia in the UK but
        9more than a third don’t have a
        diagnosis. This means that thousands
        of people are facing the realities of
        dementia alone, without access to the
        vital care and support that a diagnosis
        can bring.
        A timely and accurate diagnosis is
        crucial to manage symptoms and avoid   •  Thyroid problems
        ending up in crisis. Getting a diagnosis   •  Stress
        can be daunting, but Alzheimer’s    •  Iron and vitamin defi ciencies
        Society believes it’s better to know. 9   Seeing the GP can help you get the
        out of 10 people with dementia told   treatment you need. If you do have
        us they benefi tted from receiving a   dementia, a diagnosis allows you to:
                Dementia is not a normal    Access to support
        part of ageing and its not just about   There is no cure for the diseases
        forgetting things. The symptoms get   causing dementia yet. But there is
        worse over time and include:        support to help adjust to life with
        • memory loss                       dementia and continue to do the things
        •  confusion and needing help with  you enjoy for as long as possible.
        daily tasks                         Knowing can also help you plan for the
        •  problems with language and       future, access therapies and potentially
        understanding                       access to medicines to help manage
        • changes in behaviour              your symptoms.
                If you’re worried about     Benefi ts and protection
        yourself or a loved one, complete   Getting a dementia diagnosis means
        the Alzheimer’s Society’s symptom   you can access fi nancial benefi ts you
        checklist and show it to your GP.   might be entitled to. It also means
                                            that you are legally protected from
        It might not be dementia            discrimination (being treated unfairly).
        Problems with memory and thinking
        aren’t always dementia. Many other   Being able to explain why you’re
        conditions can cause similar symptoms   having problems
        which can be treated, including:    It can be challenging for loved ones to
        • Depression or anxiety             understand the changes you are going
        •  Medication side effects          through, which can be frustrating.
        •  Sleep problems                   Getting a diagnosis helps people to
        •  Problems with eyesight or hearing  adjust with you and support you more
        •  Chest or urinary tract infections  effectively.
        •  Severe constipation
              Alzheimer’s Society is here for everyone affected by dementia.
                    Call their Dementia Support Line on 0333 150 3456
                      or visit for help and advice.

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