Page 19 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
P. 19

Two Become One:
        Two Become One:
        Two Become One:
        Two Become One:
        Radio SWB Joins BHBNradio to illuminateSWB Joins BHBNradio to illuminate to illuminate
        Sandwell & West Birmingham.Sandwell & West Birmingham.Sandwell & West Birmingham.  W
                                                           Written by Suzie Boxritten by Suzie Box
          n a momentous union, Radio SWB
          n a momentous union, Radio SWB
          n a momentous union, Radio SWB
          (former Sandwell Hospital Radio)
          (former Sandwell Hospital Radio)
          (former Sandwell Hospital Radio)
        Iis set to merge with the award
        Iis set to merge with the award is set to merge with the award
        winning BHBN radio, heralding a
        winning BHBN radio, heralding a
        winning BHBN radio, heralding a
        golden opportunity for residents
        golden opportunity for residents
        golden opportunity for residents
        and patients in Sandwell and West
        and patients in Sandwell and West
        and patients in Sandwell and West
        Birmingham hospitals.
        Birmingham hospitals.
        Birmingham hospitals.
        This exciting collaborationhis exciting collaboration
        This exciting collaboration
        promises to deliver an award-winning omises to deliver an award-winning
        promises to deliver an award-winning
        r radio service that will captivate and adio service that will captivate and
        radio service that will captivate and
        uplift the hearts of the c
        uplift the hearts of the community.ommunity.
        uplift the hearts of the community.
        Imagine the scene unfolding like
        Imagine the scene unfolding like ene unfolding like
        Imagine the sc
        a breathtaking sunrise, where
        a breathtaking sunrise, where eathtaking sunrise, where
        a br                                Moreover, if you have access to an eover, if you have access to an eover, if you have access to an eover, if you have access to an eover, if you have access to an
        BHBN                                Ale
                                            Alexa device or a phone, simply xa device or a phone, xa device or a phone, simply
        BHBNRadio’s takeover illuminates
        BHBNRadio’s takeover illuminates
                                            say “Alexa, play HOSPITAL RADIO
                                            say “Alexa, play HOSPITAL RADIO
        Sandwell and West Birmingham with   say “Alexa, play HOSPITAL RADIO
        Sandwell and West Birmingham with ell and West Birmingham with
                                            within an area,” and BHBN Radio will  and BHBN Radio will
                                            within an area,”
        a ne
        a new wave of energy and positivity.   within an area,”
        a new wave of energy and positivity. w wave of energy and positivity.
                                            start playing, offering a seamless and tart playing, offering a seamless and
                                            start playing, offering a seamless and
                                            convenient way to tune in and enjoy onvenient way to tune in and enjoy
                                            convenient way to tune in and enjoy
        This merger isn’t just about change; his merger isn’t just about change;
        This merger isn’t just about change;   c
                                            the engaging c
                                            the engaging content.”
        it’s a partnership that promises to’s a partnership that promises to
        it’s a partnership that promises to  the engaging content.”ontent.”
        inspire, entertain, and connect people e, entertain, and connect people
        inspire, entertain, and connect people
                                            Join us in c
                                            Join us in celebrating this elebrating this elebrating this
        of all ages. Fr                     Join us in c
        of all ages. From the bustling streets
        of all ages. From the bustling streets om the bustling streets
        to the hospital corridors, a wave of   momentous occasion as BHBN ous occasion as ous occasion as BHBN
        to the hospital corridors, a wave of o the hospital corridors, a wave of
                                            Radioshines brightly in Sandwell and
                                            Radioshines brightly in Sandwell and ell and
        enthusiasm and anticipation sweeps   Radioshines brightly in Sandw
        enthusiasm and anticipation sweeps tion sweeps
        enthusiasm and anticipa
                                            West Birmingham, spreading joy and est Birmingham, spreading joy and
        through the air as the renowned     West Birmingham, spreading joy and
        through the air as the renowned ough the air as the renowned
                                            warmth across the airwaves with its
                                            warmth across the airwaves with its armth across the airwaves with its
        BHBN radio extends its reach
        BHBN r
        BHBN radio extends its reachadio extends its reach  w
                                            expanded coverage and accessibility.
        t to welcome a wider audience.      expanded coverage and accessibility.xpanded coverage and accessibility.
        to welcome a wider audience.o welcome a wider audience.
                                            Join us on this thrilling voyage as
        BHBN Radio broadcasts directly
        BHBN Radio broadcasts directly Radio broadcasts directly   Join us on this thrilling voyage as
                                            we embark on a transformative
        to the bedside media of Solihull, o the bedside media of Solihull,
        to the bedside media of Solihull,   we embark on a transformative
                                            journey of radio excellence, where
        Heartlands, Good Hope, and
        Heartlands, Good Hope, and          journey of radio excellence, where
                                            the power of music, news, and
        Sandwell Hospitals through
        Sandwell Hospitals through          the power of music, news, and
                                            community intertwines to create an
        Spark TSL, along with the Royal
        Spark TSL, along with the Royal     community intertwines to create an
                                            uplifting experience. Let us raise a
        Orthopaedic.                        uplifting experience. Let us raise a
                                            cheer to this joyful union, as Radio
                                            cheer to this joyful union, as Radio
                                            SWB merges with BHBN Radio to
        A                                   SWB merges with BHBN Radio to
        Additionally, it is available to the dditionally, it is available to the
        Additionally, it is available to the
                                            illuminate the lives of residents and
        Queen Elizabeth, Women’s, and       illuminate the lives of residents and
        Queen Elizabeth, Women’s, and
                                            patients, transmitting a radiant glow
        City Hospitals, accessible online or cessible online or
        City Hospitals, accessible online or   patients, transmitting a radiant glow
        City Hospitals, ac
                                            of positivity across the airwaves.
        via the Radio App
        via the Radio App, which can be , which can be   of positivity across the airwaves.
        via the Radio App, which can be
        downloaded from the App Stores.
        downloaded from the App Stores.wnloaded from the App Stores.
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