Page 24 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
P. 24

BHBNradio’s Round radio’s Round  Round
        Up & Recap of 2023...
        Up & Recap of 2023...
        Up & Recap of 2023...
                     Written by Kira Hughesritten by Kira Hughesritten by Kira Hughes
        A      fter a very troublesome      meeting the award-winning, Paul
                                            meeting the award-winning, Paul
               fter a very troublesome
               fter a very troublesome
                                            Stanley was an honour and I’ve got a
                                            Stanley was an honour and I’ve got a tanley was an honour and I’ve got a
               start to the year due to an
               start to the year due to an
               start to the year due to an
                                            lot to thank him for!”
                                            lot to thank him for!”
        Aunfortunate fl ooding due unfortunate fl ooding due unfortunate fl ooding due
                                            David Elliot achieves the ‘Long
        to rainwater ingress causing us to rainwater ingress causing us to rainwater ingress causing us   David Elliot achieves the ‘Long
                                            Service Award’ and reminisces the 35
                                            Service Award’ and reminisces the 35 e Award’ and reminisces the 35
        to be taken off the air as shared to be taken off the air as shared to be taken off the air as shared   Servic
                                            years he has been with BHBNradio
                                            years he has been with BHBNradio
        in the last edition ‘Blues and in the last edition ‘Blues and in the last edition ‘Blues and   saying “It was all analogue when I
                                            saying “It was all analogue when I
        Breakthroughs’.Breakthroughs’.Breakthroughs’.  s
                                            started!” Elliot also compiled the tarted!” Elliot also compiled the
                                            started!” Elliot also compiled the
                                            archive short features that were
                                            archive short features that were
        However, as soon as we were able to wever, as soon as we were able to wever, as soon as we were able to   included in every show over the
                                            included in every show over the
        get back into the studio on Easter o the studio on Easter o the studio on Easter
        get back int                        70th anniversary Live Weekend
        get back int
                                            70th anniversary Live Weekend
        Monday we sure made up for the y we sure made up for the y we sure made up for the
        Monda                               broadcast. Sharing it was great to
                                            broadcast. Sharing it was great to
        time that we missed with a Live
        time tha
        time that we missed with a Live t we missed with a Live   hear our history in audio that comes
                                            hear our his
                                            hear our history in audio that comes tory in audio that comes
        weekend Broadcasting!               with bittersweet emotions to hear
        weekend Broadcasting!
                                            with bittersweet emotions to hear
                                            members who are no longer with us.
                                            members who are no longer with us.e no longer with us.
                                            members who ar
        A highlight and an honour for each or each
        A highlight and an honour f
        A highlight and an honour for each
        member of BHBNradio is being ‘The radio is being ‘The
        member of BHBNradio is being ‘The   Just like every year Paul and Jan
                                            Just like every year Paul and Jan
        Station Of The year 2023’ at the tation Of The year 2023’ at the
        S                                   Millington participated in the Fun
        Station Of The year 2023’ at the
                                            Millington participated in the Fun
        HBA A
        HBA Awards! Those who attended wards! Those who attended   Run whilst other members of the
        HBA Awards! Those who attended
                                            Run whilst other members of the
        had a memor
        had a memorable time; including our able time; including our   team commentated and interviewed eam commentated and interviewed
        had a memorable time; including our
                                            team commentated and interviewed
        own Paul Stanley who won ‘Gold for wn Paul Stanley who won ‘Gold for
        own Paul Stanley who won ‘Gold for
        o                                   runners. Millington proudly
                                            runners. Millington proudly
        Best Male Presenter’ and humbly     shares “BHBN are truly global!!”
        Best Male Presenter’ and humbly t Male Presenter’ and humbly
                                            shares “BHBN are truly global!!”
        expressed “For me it highlights the xpressed “For me it highlights the
        expressed “For me it highlights the   Millington had friends listening to
                                            Millington had friends listening to
        station and every presenter which I’m   his Tuesday Evening Show in LA
        station and every presenter which I’m tation and every presenter which I’m
                                            his Tuesday Evening Show in LA
        very proud to be a part of.”        and Phoenix USA at the same time
        very proud to be a part of.” ery proud to be a part of.”
                                            and Phoenix USA at the same time
                                            as friends in Darwin Australia, even
                                            as friends in Darwin Australia, even
        The November just gone he also he November just gone he also
        The November just gone he also      c
                                            communicating through WhatsApp
                                            communicating through WhatsApp ommunicating through WhatsApp
        spoke with veterans and serving
        spoke with veterans and serving e with veterans and serving   f for requests! Now that’s pretty cool! or requests! Now that’s pretty cool!
                                            for requests! Now that’s pretty cool!
        members of the R
        members of the R
        members of the Royal Centre for oyal Centre for oyal Centre for
        members of the Royal Centre for
        Defence Medicine raising money for   Jo
        Defence Medicine raising money for
                                            Joy Bourne looks back at the 2023 y Bourne looks back at the 2023
                                            Joy Bourne looks back at the 2023
        Fisher House, Stanley also shares   HBA awards dinner in Bolton,wards dinner in Bolton,
        Fisher House, Stanley also shares
                                            HBA a
                                            HBA awards dinner in Bolton,
        that Opening up the Radio Marathon
        that Opening up the Radio Marathon
        was a great honour and training
        was a great honour and training     “it was a lovely dressy evening.
                                            “it was a lovely dressy evening.
                                            “it was a lovely dressy evening.
        the new presenters is rewarding to   The look of shock on Paul Stanley’s
        the new presenters is rewarding to
                                            The look of shock on Paul Stanley’s
                                            The look of shock on Paul Stanley’s
        him. As a new member James Ellis    face followed by his characteristic
        him. As a new member James Ellis
                                            face followed by his characteristic
                                            face followed by his characteristic
        is privilege to present ‘The Morning
        is privilege to present ‘The Morning   giggle was just lovely and well
                                            giggle was just lovely and well
                                            giggle was just lovely and well
        Show’ expressing “I loved meeting
        Show’ expressing “I loved meeting   deserved. The icing on the cake
                                            deserved. The icing on the cake
                                            deserved. The icing on the cake
        amazing presenters, and treated like   was BHBNradio winning station
        amazing presenters, and treated like
                                            was BHBNradio winning station
                                            was BHBNradio winning station
        a member of the family! However,
        a member of the family! However,    of the year, incredible for all the
                                            of the year, incredible for all the
                                            of the year, incredible for all the
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