Page 26 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
P. 26
How many times does
Moxie Heartbeat appear
in BHBN’s magazine?
Quiz TimeTime
1, What is the UK equivalent for 11, Which James Bond actor used
the German GmbH ? to earn his living initially as a
Co-op milk fl oat roundsman?
2, A board game originated in
India known as the Army Game 12, The hide of which animal is
has tantalised and enchanted used in the manufacture of a
many of the best minds for over cricket ball?
four centuries - what is it?
13, What is Britain’s most popular
3, During the great plague of breed of dog?
London King Charles II and the
Royal Court decamped to which 14, A meeting took place on the
English City? 26th of October 1863 in Lincoln’s
Inn Fields to decide what?
4, Who lived at 52 Festive Road?
15, What lasts 336 hours every
5, In Latin which London other week?
monument means empty tomb?
6, In European history what is the
period between 450 and 1450
known as?
7, As of 2023, how many cities
are there in the UK?
8, Which famous English Author,
poet and illustrator taught Queen
Victoria to draw?
9, What is unusual about these Trevella House (Harborne)
breeds of chicken: Dorking, Our residential home is situated in Harborne
Faverolle, Houdan, Silkie and providing care for individuals with severe
Sultan? and enduring mental illness aged 18-64
and 64+ and is within walking distance of
local amenities and bus routes. The Home
10, Beer is brewed and spirits provides single occupancy ensuite bedrooms,
are distilled - what is cider communal living areas and garden space for
processing called? Resident’s use.
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for further information
26 Quiz Time Answers on Page 38