Page 22 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
P. 22

Celebrating BHBN Radio’s

                                                 Station of the Year Gold Award
                                                 Station of the Year Gold
                                    at the HBAHBA Annual Annual
                                    at the HBA Annual Conference.  Written by Suzie Box.
        I  n a night fi lled with  lled with   captivating station content. Judges
                                            captivating station content. Judges
           n a night fi
                                            reviewed a variety of program
                                            reviewed a variety of program
           anticipation and excitement
           anticipation and excitement
                                            content from each station, focusing
                                            content from each station, focusing
        Iat the HBA Annual Conference at the HBA Annual Conference
                                            on interaction, special events
        and Awards Gala Dinner held at and Awards Gala Dinner held at   on interaction, special events
                                            coverage, and overall listener
        Winchester University on April Winchester University on April   coverage, and overall listener
        13th, 2024, BHBN Radio was 13th, 2024, BHBN Radio was
        crowned with the prestigious crowned with the prestigious   The judges’ verdict on BHBN Radio
                                            The judges’ verdict on BHBN Radio
        Station of the Year Gold Award.Station of the Year Gold Award.  was resounding. They described the
                                            was resounding. They described the
                                            station as being at the pinnacle of
                                            station as being at the pinnacle of
        This remarkable achievement marks his remarkable achievement marks   its performance, characterising it as
                                            its performance, characterising it as
        the third time in the last fi ve years d time in the last fi ve years   warm, inclusive, and exceptionally
        the thir
                                            warm, inclusive, and exceptionally
        that BHBN Radio has claimed the     engaging. Every aspect of their entry
        that BHBN Radio has claimed the
                                            engaging. Every aspect of their entry
        Station of the Year Gold Award,     highlighted special moments and
        Station of the Year Gold Award,
                                            highlighted special moments and
        having previously received the
        having previously received the      showcased the team’s dedication to
                                            showcased the team’s dedication to
        accolade in 2019, 2023, and now in   serving their audience with a diverse
        accolade in 2019, 2023, and now in
                                            serving their audience with a diverse
        2024, along with a silver award in
        2024, along with a silver award in   range of content.
                                            range of content.
        2020. The Trustees, David Horton
        2020. The Trustees, David Horton
        and Paul Stanley, were in attendance
        and Paul Stanley, were in attendance   As the station celebrates a signifi cant
                                            As the station celebrates a signifi cant
        at the event, accompanied by BHBN
        at the event, accompanied by BHBN   anniversary, this latest recognition
                                            anniversary, this latest recognition
        member David Elliot to receive
        member David Elliot to receive      solidifi es BHBN Radio’s position
                                            solidifi es BHBN Radio’s position
        the trophy from former BHBN         as ‘Station of the Year 2024’. Their
        the trophy from former BHBN
                                            as ‘Station of the Year 2024’. Their
        member Voice of The Lottery Balls   ability to consistently deliver quality
        member Voice of The Lottery Balls
                                            ability to consistently deliver quality
        and Strictly Come Dancing, Alan     programming and connect with their
        and Strictly Come Dancing, Alan
                                            programming and connect with their
        Dedicoat. Refl ecting on the win, they   listeners on a personal level sets
        Dedicoat. Refl ecting on the win, they
                                            listeners on a personal level sets
        expressed their genuine surprise
        expressed their genuine surprise    them apart as a truly exceptional
                                            them apart as a truly exceptional
        and delight, having not expected to   broadcasting entity and hospital
        and delight, having not expected to
                                            broadcasting entity and hospital
        clinch the coveted Station of the Year
        clinch the coveted Station of the Year   radio service.
                                            radio service.
        Gold Award title again this year.
        Gold Award title again this year.
        The station was truly thrilled
        The station was truly thrilled
        and honoured to receive such
        and honoured to receive such
        recognition Sponsored by PPL
        recognition Sponsored by PPL
        (Public Performance Licensing),
        (Public Performance Licensing),
        the Station of the Year Award
        the Station of the Year Award
        highlights excellence in hospital
        highlights excellence in hospital
        radio, emphasising engagement with
        radio, emphasising engagement with
        listeners and the delivery of
        listeners and the delivery of
                                                   Left to Right; Paul Stanley, David H   t    ,
      22                                               Alan Dedicoat & David Ellio
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