Page 18 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
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                                           We have been providing charitable
                                           We have been providing charitable
                                           housing and care for older people for
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          Independent Living &             We employ trained, compassionate staff
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                                           beautiful grounds.

          Call & speak to our helpful team to arrange a viewing
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         News & New People
         News & New People
         News & New People
         News & New People
         News & New People
         at BHBNradioradioradio
         at BHBN
         at BHBN
              ow that we can fi
                                            (Sandwell Hospital Requests) and
              ow that we can fi nally  nally  nally   (Sandwell Hospital Requests) and
              ow that we can fi
              visit the wards following
              visit the wards following
              visit the wards following     Ffi on Brighton. We offer a massive
                                            Ffi on Brighton. We offer a massive
                                            welcome to the Staff and Patients
        Nthe Covid-19 Pandemic, the Covid-19 Pandemic,   welcome to the Staff and Patients
        Nthe Covid-19 Pandemic,
        at BHBN we are busy recruiting
        at BHBN we are busy recruiting
        at BHBN we are busy recruiting      of Sandwell Hospital to the family
                                            of Sandwell Hospital to the family
        new members to go around the
        new members to go around the
        new members to go around the
                                            of BHBN Radio hospitals. Thank you
        new members to go around the        of BHBN BHBN BHBN Radio hospitals. Thank you Radio hospitals. Thank you Radio hospitals. Thank you
        hospital wards gathering requests &   to Spark TLS the bedside media o Spark TLS the bedside media
                                            to Spark TLS the bedside media
        hospital wards gathering requests &
                                            provider for making it happen. BHBN
                                            provider for making it happen. ovider for making it happen. BHBN
        dedications.                        pr
                                            Radio broadcasts direct to the oadcasts direct to the
                                            Radio broadcasts direct to the
                                            Radio br
        As soon as the restrictions were lifted   bedside media of Solihull, Heartlands,
        As soon as the restrictions were lifted
                                            bedside media of Solihull, Heartlands,
                                            bedside media of Solihull, Heartlands,
        Sharon Hetherington returned to us,
                                            Good Hope & Sandw
                                            Good Hope & Sandwell Hospitals via ell Hospitals via
        Sharon Hetherington returned to us,   Good Hope & Sandwell Hospitals via
        so welcome back Sharon. New to the  Spark TSL.
                                            Spark T
                                            Spark TSL.SL.
        so welcome back Sharon. New to the
        team are Charlotte Corfi eld (Solihull
        team are Charlotte Corfi eld (Solihull
        Hospital Requests), Freddie
                                            Also Available to the Royal vailable to the Royal
                                            Also Available to the Royal
        Hospital Requests), Freddie         Also A
        Crawford (Royal Orthopaedic
        Crawford (Royal Orthopaedic         Orthopaedic, Queen Elizabeth,
                                            Orthopaedic, Queen Elizabeth,
                                            Orthopaedic, Queen Elizabeth,
                                            Womens and City Hospitals, Online
        Hospital Requests), Suzie Be
        Hospital Requests), Suzie Be        Womens and City Hospitals, Online omens and City Hospitals, Online
                                            or via our Radio App
                                            or via our Radio App, download from
                                            or via our Radio App, download from , download from
                                            the App Stores.tores.
                                            the App S
                                            the App Stores.
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