Page 13 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
P. 13

The Backbone of
        The Backbone of
        The Backbone of
        Written by Kira Hughesritten by Kira Hughesritten by Kira Hughes
        D D   ave Horton marked an
              ave Horton marked an
              impressive 40-year milestone
              impressive 40-year milestone
        Dat BHBNradio last May 2023 at BHBNradio last May 2023
        and has also been honored with
        and has also been honored with
        and has also been honored with
        the HBA ‘John Whitney Award’ as a
        the HBA ‘John Whitney Award’ as a
        the HBA ‘John Whitney Award’ as a
        recognition of his dedicated service
        recognition of his dedicated service
        recognition of his dedicated service
                                            early 2000s. He emphasised the
                                            early 2000s. He emphasised the
        to hospital radio.
        to hospital radio.
        to hospital radio.                  early 2000s. He emphasised the
                                            early 2000s. He emphasised the
                                            early 2000s. He emphasised the
                                            camaraderie and laughter they shared
                                            camaraderie and laughter they shared aderie and laughter they shared aderie and laughter they shared aderie and laughter they shared
                                            on air. Dave’s diverse musical taste
                                            on air
        Joining in 1983, Dave ascended to
        Joining in 1983, Dave ascended to ve ascended to
        Joining in 1983, Da                 on air. Dave’s diverse musical taste . Dave’s diverse musical taste
                                            includes f
                                            includes favorites like ‘Reach Out’
        the role of Technical Director by   includes favorites like ‘Reach Out’ avorites like ‘Reach Out’
        the role of Technical Director by ole of Technical Director by
        the r
                                            by The Four Tops and Neil Diamond.
                                            by The Four Tops and Neil Diamond. y The Four Tops and Neil Diamond.
        1999 and assumed the position of    b
        1999 and as
        1999 and assumed the position of sumed the position of
                                            Dave’s pivotal role in ve’s pivotal role in BHBNradio
        Vice Chairman in 2014, signifying   Dave’s pivotal role in BHBNradio
        Vice Chairman in 2014, signifying ice Chairman in 2014, signifying
        his pivotal role in ensuring the otal role in ensuring the
        his piv
        his pivotal role in ensuring the    includes the r
                                            includes the refurbishment of the efurbishment of the
                                            includes the refurbishment of the
        continuous operation of BHBNradio.   City Hospital S
                                            City Hospital Studio in 2006 and tudio in 2006 and
                                            City Hospital Studio in 2006 and
        continuous operation of ontinuous operation of BHBNradio.
                                            the subsequent relocation to the
                                            the subsequent r
        His responsibilities include overseeing esponsibilities include overseeing
        His responsibilities include overseeing
        His r                               the subsequent relocation to the elocation to the
        clear and smooth pr
        clear and smooth program
        clear and smooth program ogram      Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Despite e
                                            Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Despit
                                            Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Despite
        broadcasts, managing scheduled
        broadcasts, managing scheduled oadcasts, managing scheduled   inquiries about broadcasting on DAB,
                                            inquiries about broadcasting on DAB, oadcasting on DAB,
                                            inquiries about br
                                            Dave cited funding constraints and ve cited funding constraints and
        automation, and being on call for
        aut                                 Dave cited funding constraints and
        automation, and being on call for omation, and being on call for
                                            the desire to maintain an intimate
                                            the desir
        any contingencies, maintaining an
        any contingencies, maintaining an y contingencies, maintaining an
        an                                  the desire to maintain an intimate e to maintain an intimate
                                            connection with hospital patients onnection with hospital patients
                                            connection with hospital patients
        unyielding commitment every day.yielding commitment every day.
        unyielding commitment every day.    c
                                            as reasons for not adopting the
                                            as reasons for not adopting the easons for not adopting the
                                            as r
        Beyond his on-air contributions, yond his on-air contributions,
        Beyond his on-air contributions,    technology.
        Dave’s behind-the-scenes work is      Expressing hopes for BHBNradio’s
        Dave’s behind-the-scenes work is ve’s behind-the-scenes work is
                                              Expressing hopes for essing hopes for BHBNradio’s
        extensive. He constructed the editing
        extensive. He constructed the editing xtensive. He constructed the editing   future, Dave envisions a full daily
                                            future, Dave envisions a full daily e, Dave envisions a full daily
        suite ‘The Auriga Room,’ orchestrated   schedule of live programs, a strong e programs, a strong
        suite ‘The Auriga Room,’ orchestrated e ‘The Auriga Room,’ orchestrated
                                            schedule of liv
                                            schedule of live programs, a strong
        merchandise, handled sponsorships   f following within both the hospital ollowing within both the hospital
        merchandise, handled sponsorships chandise, handled sponsorships
                                            following within both the hospital
        and promotions, created personalized   and local communities. His greatest ommunities. His greatest
        and pr
        and promotions, created personalized omotions, created personalized
                                            and local communities. His greatest
                                            and local c
        jingles f
        jingles for each presenter, and     achievement remains BHBNradio
        jingles for each presenter, and or each presenter, and
                                            achievement remains vement remains BHBNradio
        maintained the s
                                            being named ‘Station of the Year’ in
        maintained the studio. Dave’s musical   being named ‘Station of the Year’ in
        maintained the studio. Dave’s musical tudio. Dave’s musical
                                            2019, surpassing even his personal
        journey began as a mobile DJ and y began as a mobile DJ and
        journey began as a mobile DJ and    2019, surpassing even his personal
                                            accolades. As the heart and soul of
        extended to work at various locations xtended to work at various locations
        extended to work at various locations   accolades. As the heart and soul of
        in Birmingham. His passion for music
        in Birmingham. His pas
        in Birmingham. His passion for music sion for music   the station, Dave looks forward to
                                            the station, Dave looks forward to
        from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, coupled
                                            passing on the responsibility with
        from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, coupled om the 60s, 70s, and 80s, coupled   passing on the responsibility with
        with a lo
        with a love for broadcasting, led him ve for broadcasting, led him   the desire to keep the music playing,
                                            the desire to keep the music playing,
        with a love for broadcasting, led him
                                            presenters passionately engaged, and
        to BHBNradio.
        to BHBNradio.                       presenters passionately engaged, and
                                            listeners content. Emma Boydell aptly
                                            listeners content. Emma Boydell aptly
        Refl ecting on his time, Dave
        Refl ecting on his time, Dave        described Dave as “the backbone of
                                            described Dave as “the backbone of
                                            BHBNradio,” a sentiment echoed by
        reminisced about memorable          BHBNradio,” a sentiment echoed by
        reminisced about memorable
        moments with colleagues like
        moments with colleagues like        the entire team in their gratitude and
                                            the entire team in their gratitude and
                                            pride for his enduring
        Brendon, Louise, and Debbie from
        Brendon, Louise, and Debbie from endon, Louise, and Debbie from
        Br                                  pride for his enduring
        ‘The Sunday Supplement’ show in the he Sunday Supplement’ show in the   contributions.
        ‘The Sunday Supplement’ show in the
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