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the week) where I invite you to send me
                                            on social media, a song that you have had
                                            stuck in your head (Good or bad) and I
                                            choose the best and showcase it at the
                                            end of my show!
                                            What would your 3 desert island discs
                                            be? This is too tough! 1. Fatboyslim’s
                                            Praise You - I spent the entire 2 weeks
                                            on a family holiday in Tunisia in 2002
                                            listening to this on repeat on my (cheapo
                                            Walkman) in a Hotel called the Tej
                                            Marhaba where I sat drinking tea and
                                            being a typical “Kevin & Perry” teenager
                                            trying to look cool! 2. Livin Joy Dreamer -
        Name: James Ellis                   The anthem of my fi nal years in secondary
        Age: 36                             school! Still to this day cannot help but
        Occupation: Freelance Actor/Casting   turn into my 15-year-old self bouncing
        Assistant/BHBN Radio Presenter      away when this tune comes on. 3. Otis
        Partner and children’s names and ages:   Redding’s Sitting on the Dock of the
        Laura (Wife) and Twin Daughters Scarlett   Bay - My Happy Place song, a song that
        and Amelie                          never fails to calm me down, I just close
                                            my eyes and sit on the dock of the bay
        How did I hear about BHBN? I wanted   as the warm sun beats down on me as I
        to be on the radio and present, bringing   watch the waves of the sky blue water roll
        joy and fun just like my heroes on The   in! Heaven!
        Big Breakfast did for me in the 90’s. So I
        looked for the best hospital radio stations   What’s your burning ambition? To be a
        in Birmingham and BHBN was front and   voice-over artist and radio presenter! I
        centre! I saw the calibre of its presenters   have achieved one so far! I love creating
        past and present, its professional output,   characters and giving them unique voices!
        and thought this looks great! What a
        family they are turning out to be!  What’s the best thing about BHBN? The
                                            professionalism and family atmosphere,
        Tell us about your show...: I present the   the banter and laughs I have with Paul
        Tuesday Morning Show 10 am - 12 pm   Stanley as I call him Mr Miyagi as he
        and I love it! It’s such a coveted show to   trained me to be a presenter on  BHBN
        present alongside the drivetime slots on   and constantly calling Rich Pemberton,
        any Radio station. We have everything in   Phil, I have no idea why I do this, but Rich
        the morning show that you could possibly   often messages saying, who’s Phil!
        want and cater for all tastes, even though
        every Morning show follows the same   Your best moment at BHBN? Saying
        format each show is different, due to the   (after playing Billy Ocean - The Going
        nature and style of the presenters!  Gets Tough) “Have you got your boxing
        On my show you will be greeted by   gloves out? Duff, duff, duff, I have, to box
        lighthearted fun, frolics and humour,   your way through the day!”
        with the aim of being your friend by the
        bedside who makes you forget for a   And fi nally, your most embarrassing
        moment or two that you are in hospital,   moment at BHBN? Calling Rich
        well I try anyway!                  Pemberton, Phil, not once on air but 3
        I’m famed for my whoopsies and utter   times in one show! Whoopsie!
        cheesy moments. On my show, we have
        #Jamesspickoftheweek (James’s Pick of

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