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P. 17

                     10 TOP TIPS WHEN YOU ARE

        1),  Ask the staff caring for you on the   6), The waiting time in the discharge
        ward when you are likely to go home.   lounge will depend on what you are
        They  should  be  able  to  give you an   waiting for, you will be kept fully up
        expected date of discharge.         to date. We aim to facilitate your
                                            discharge as quickly as possible.
        2), When you have a discharge date,
        arrange for a relative or friend to   7), Your Discharge Letter will be given
        collect you and bring clothing for you   to you with your medications as you
        to wear home. Let the staff know if   leave – The discharge lounge staff will
        they need to make other transport   keep you informed.
        arrangements for you.
                                            8), You may be going to another care
        3), Make  sure  you  have  keys  to  get   provider and the ward team should
        into your home and the heating is on   have already discussed this with
        with a supply of food on your return   you. We will  contact  your next care
        if possible. If you have no food on   provider to ensure there is no gap in
        discharge at home, please talk to a   your care.
        member of the team.
                                            9),  Other Patients may leave before
        4), Do not forget to ask for any    you this will be dependent on their
        medical  certifi cates  you  may  need   circumstances and what they were
        while you are on the ward.          waiting  for.  Again,  please  ask  a
                                            member of  staff if you have  any
        5), You will be sent to the Discharge   concerns.
        Lounge in the morning as early as
        possible, ideally by 10.00am on your   10),  If you have any queries, ask
        discharge date. This is a comfortable,   the nurse in charge of the ward/
        safe, and relaxing environment with   department. We look forward to
        refreshments. The registered Nurses   facilitating your discharge home.
        and Nursing assistants will provide
        care for you whilst you wait for your   By, S   ia McNam  a
        medications and transport home.
                                            Ward Manager - Discharge Lounge
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