Page 27 - Heartbeat Publications | BHBN Radio
P. 27

Have you got a


         We’d love to hear from
         We’d love to hear from
         We’d love to hear from
         you if you have...
         you if you have...
         you if you have...
               • An event or special occasion in your • An event or special occasion in your

         department or c
         department or c
         department or communityommunityommunity
               • If you work with an inspirational • If you work with an inspirational

         c                                          Please get in t
                                                    Please get in touch if you’d
                                                    Please get in touch if you’d ouch if you’d
                                                       like to be featured in an
                                                       like to be featured in an
               • Does your department do something Does your department do something   upcoming edition of
               • Does your department do something
                                                          upcoming edition of

         that makes a real di  erence to the
         that makes a real di  erence to the t makes a real di  erence to the   BHBN Radio’s magazine by
                                                    BHBN Radio’s magazine by
         patients at Birminghams Hospitals?tients at Birminghams Hospitals?
         patients at Birminghams Hospitals?             sending us an email to
                                                        sending us an email to
               • A member of the community with
               • A member of the community with

         inspiring news or event details to share?ws or event details to share?
                                                     to submit your story idea.o submit your story idea.
         inspiring news or event details to share?   to submit your story idea.
         inspiring ne
         How to Get in Contact
         How to Get in Contact
         How to Get in Contact
         How to Get in Contact
         with BHBNradio
         with BHBN
         with BHBNradio
                                      T T T
                                      There are lots of ways to get in contact here are lots of ways to get in contact here are lots of ways to get in contact here are lots of ways to get in contact
                                      with us and we want to hear from you!e want to hear from you!e want to hear from you!
                                      with us and w
                                      with us and w
                                      with us and we want to hear from you!
                                      If you fancy having a chat, requesting
                                      If you fancy having a chat, requesting
                                      If you fancy having a chat, requesting
                                      If you fancy having a chat, requesting
                                      a song or would like a shout out!
                                      a song or would like a shout out!
                                      a song or would like a shout out!
                                      a song or would like a shout out!
                                              Tweet us @BHBNradioweet us @BHBNradio
                                          and don’t forget to follow us!and don’t forget to follow us!
                                                        Check us out online
                                                        Check us out online
                             You can give us a callou can give us a call  at www.BHBN.netat
                               on 0121 471 47740121 471 4774
                                    Email us a Song Request or Dedication equest or Dedication
                                    Email us a Song R
                                            to requests@bhbn.netto
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